#10 Rookie of the Year

One of the goofiest baseball movies I have ever seen. Period. This movie is so unrealistic, which makes it so funny. I slated this movie at #10 because it wasn’t the worst, but it definitely wasn’t the best. I do give it praise for its humor. This is definitely a sports movie that brings the whole family together. Henry Rowengartner is a 12-year-old Little Leaguer. He is the worst Little Leaguer, but somehow finds his way into the Major Leagues pitching for the Chicago Cubs, who are trying to turn their depressing season around???

Image result for rookie of the year

After a mysterious broken arm/shoulder that tightened his tendons in his throwing arm, he now can pitch the ball at about 100 mph. Crazy right? But it’s fitting for the Cubs to sign a 12-year-old inexperienced kid just because he can throw in the triple digits. The movie is very cliché and ends how you probably think it’s going to end;

  90s rookie of the year flicks basebase GIF


SPOILER: The Cubs come back from an abysmal season and win the pennant.

rookie of the year ring GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

It’s not the best movie and it’s mainly for kids, but it is packed with some humor if you want a good laugh. For teens and adults, it might bring flashbacks to their Little League days picking dandelions and grass in right field for hours on end.

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